Maven talk accepted by Developer Day Scotland

A talk on the introduction to Maven that I proposed has been accepted for the preliminary agenda for Developer! Developer! Developer!’s Scotland conference this year! If you would like to hear it, or think it would be useful to others then please vote for it 🙂 Sure I’m nervous – but somehow we have to spread the good news around the country. Continue reading Maven talk accepted by Developer Day Scotland

Meeting Tim Berners Lee

Wow, what a lecture! Professer Sir Tim Berners Lee (thecreator of the internet) was talking at the university about thesymantic web, which was very interesting indeed. Afterwards my boss (who was amoungst the attendees) invited me to the reception afterwards to meet the big-wigs 😉 I was introduced to Tim and we chatted for a while about Geo-Data Services (which I work on) and their … Continue reading Meeting Tim Berners Lee